Saturday, July 12, 2008

Have confidence! Believe in yourself!

Jonah has been working very hard lately on his skills in standing! It's a huge deal in our house every time Jonah stands on his own.My sister Kelley is determined to get Jonah walking by the end of this month. She was supposedly walking by nine months. Every time Jonah stands on his own, we all scream, clap and say "DID YOU SEE THAT!? HE WAS STANDING FOR LIKE 10 SECONDS THAT TIME!"
In order to teach Jonah this, I taught him to raise his arms in the air and I always say,"Reach for the Sky!" as he reaches and stands on his own! It's actually really funny to watch! When Kelley and her husband Vak came over a week ago, we showed Vak Jonah's new trick. (It's sad how my child sounds like a pet) Vak thought it was soo funny that we said, "Reach for the sky" and so Vak started telling Jonah instead..(while raising his arms up) "Have confidence! Believe in yourself!" Anyways.. it was really funny at the time. You'd probably have to be there, or know Vak.
Jonah has been raising his arms up all day long while he crawls around the house. Do you think maybe he's confused as to what we are cheering for? Probably.


amber {and co.} said...

lol Caitlin your kid is awesome! That actually was a really smart way to get him to stand himself up, I'm impressed :) Keep it up and maybe he'll be walking by the time you guys come back! Go Jonah!

trine k said...

oh man, i can't believe his legs. He has to be one of the chunkiest babies I have ever seen, and SO so cute!

Cristin said...

Knowing what I know now about kids that can walk, I don't know if I would be encouraging this.

Vanessa said...

You should put a video on your blog of him doing this!

Anonymous said...

Jonah is soo fun... even when he spits up on me. I can still smell it on my shirt!