Saturday, September 13, 2008

Crap happens.....

Jonah decided he was big enough to change his own diaper today. Didn't go over so well.
I hope this is the last time I scrub poop off the wall and the crib. Something tells me it's only the first.


Cristin said...

Gross, why did you have to take a picture of that? We would have believed you even if you didn't.

KC said...

I'm pretty sure Caitlin learned about taking pictures of poop from Cristin.

amber {and co.} said...

ewww! All in the day of the life of a mom right?? Actually that picture will be great to show his future girlfriends, Kristi did the same thing when she was a baby and my mom has loved threatening to show that pic :)

Unknown said...

I had to show Zach the pictures.. and the picture does a much better job than I would at describing it. Come on Cristin, Kaci is right. It's not like you've never posted pictures of poop before.

Vanessa said...

I couldn't wait to read the comments on this post. I knew your sisters were going to say what they did.
I had a nephew who did this and his mom had to always dress him in a onsie for bed so he couldn't do that.

Anonymous said...

so gross....

Me and The Boys said...

Lisa would know a lot about this subject, but my boys have never done it! I am so sorry... it looked pretty nasty!

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

Oh my gosh,what a nightmare! I bet that was a lot of fun cleaning up...I would freak! :)