Jonah will dance to anything! If a cell phone rings, he will stop to dance! He even dances to the sound of the washing machine or dish washer! It's so funny! Of course he only dance with his arms, but it's still really cute!
Yes, he is dancing to David Archuleta.
What's on his forehead?
Caitlin, he is so cute! I love his little arm dance. So I don't know if you got my text, but we are having girls night at my house on Tuesday and we really want you and your little man to come! Let me know if you ned directions.
how cute! He has such a fun personality! :)
oh that is such a funny video!
he looks like hes in pain or uncomfortable. that's funny! is that like the david archuleta cd? (i know he sang that song on AI)
So cute! Zach was watching it, and was like, "Is that my cousin Jonah?" I am so happy he remembers him! I hope our kid will grow up knowing each other!
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