Sunday, June 20, 2010

family pictures part 1

Happy Father's Day! I'm home sick, about to get in bed but I had to eat something or else I know I'll feel even worse. Just emailed Kaci these pictures I finished editing. We went and visited Kaci and Salesi on Friday and had a little Father's day dinner. We also took each other's family pictures. Ours were kind of a bust after Jonah burned his feet really bad. More on that later, but here are some good ones of Kaci and Salesi. They are just too cute. I can't wait to see that baby!!!!!

And one of Zach and I.

Even though my sister Cristin and I were texting each other this morning about how sometimes every day feels like fathers day.. ( I mean that in the nicest way) I truly am grateful for dad's. I often wonder what my life would be like if I was a single mom and Jonah and Emma had no father. I know how much support my dad gave to me growing up and Zachary is an amazing dad, who does and teaches or children so much. So Happy Father's Day to all the dads! We mom's need you!We couldn't stay home, watch kids, and do all the house work if it weren't for you getting up early every day and going to a long, hard Job. I know they do it for us. So today just relax, kick up your feet, and reflect on how awesome your role is.

p.s. Thank you to my brother in law Ben for getting me started with photoshop! I must be a loser because I could not figure it out at first!! Ben was very patient with me. Thanks BEN!!!


KC said...

They look good! I don't know if its too close up of our faces, but I really like the coloring you did for yours and Zachs

Cristin said...

Those pictures look great! I want you to do ours at Thanksgiving. It helps that the people in the pictures are really photogenic. And Shhhhhh, you weren't supposed to tell anyone we were texting each other that! Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, can't wait to see more! Happy fathers day to all the fathers!

Leanne said...

Wow, these are great pictures. Good job on the photo shop! I am looking into getting it, do you have any recommendations on books or websites to help me get started on using it? what actions do you usually use? I would love any advice you have- leannehbarlow (at) gmail (dot) com.

KC said...

okay yeah I can really notice you changed the coloring.. but now I'm not sure which way I like better so can you send me both! the first way might look better in my living room with all the grays and blacks. But the second way might look better with the other pics I have because they are more greens and browns.