my new ride:
Woo! Hoo! My stroller came last week and my life has forever changed! I was a little worried that Jonah would fight me on this but he thinks it's a pretty sweet ride too! I guess he was ready for a change. Poor guy went from trying to keep up with me to demanding me to "go mommy! Go!!"
My first Sugar Cookies!!!
Is it sad that I have never made sugar cookies before? Jonah saw a kids show where they made cut out sugar cookies and I knew he would have the time of his life if we did it together. He used his Play Dough rolling pin and cookie cutters. In the end he did care too much for the finished cookies. Maybe he lost his appetite from all the dough he shoved in his mouth?
Kaci and Salesi
Sadly, this is the only picture I snapped of the night. Kaci whipped up a delicious dinner as usual and for dessert we had strawberry short cake.
Outdoor fun with Papa
These pictures crack me up! Look at Emma's poor face! I don't think this pool is big enough for a floating saucer.. or maybe Jonah just needs to keep out of Emma's space. My dad was so good about watching them. Jonah has so much fun at their house.
Jonah plays with Play Dough every day!
Here he is showing off his pet snake he made. It's so much fun to see him starting to make believe. He comes up with the funniest stuff all day!
*The other day he was torturing playing with the kitten and he was saying, "I'll tell you what ditty dat!" (ditty dat is kitty cat)
*He took off his poopy diaper and came to me saying, "dosh jaja," (thats how he says Jonah) Don't do dat adain!! Bad boy Jaja! Yucky! Big trouble jaja! don't do dat adain! Big no no!" It made is really hard to know how to discipline him when he was doing it himself! I was trying so hard not to laugh.. he makes it really hard to be mad sometimes.
*He tells Emma how "dute" she is all the time.
* he calls every little boy a "boys" and every little girl a "Emma"
I hear him in the play room talking to his trains, saying "woops. sorry train. uh oh! Aero!"
* He is very polite and never forgets to say "Thank you mommy much!" or "thank you daddy much!"
Swimming at Grandpa and Grandma's house
This picture of Emma is so funny because it makes it look like she can't stand the water! But really she loves it. We weren't going to put her in but she wouldn't stop making a fuss over it. Ben is here visiting, and he was the only one who was willing to get in with her and Jonah.
Grandma (aka Woah Woah or Woe woe or wo wo????) gave Jonah a Thomas boat. Can you tell he was excited??
Zach had to use his parents fax machine before we left and the kids were pooped out. While we were waiting to leave Jonah took off his clothes and made a bed for himself on the couch. They were ready for bed.
great post! now I have a request... can you do a post about how the cat wants to be Emma!!!!
oh looks like so much fuN! wish we were there!
So glad your "joy-ride-mobile" has come and that Jonah likes it (so far)! Jonah and Emma look so cute and chummy side-by-side.
All your pics crack me up. I esp love the one of Jonah's backside-- wearing an apron AND a diaper as he bakes sugar cookies-- HILARIOUS! One day that pic will come in handy when you have to bribe him as a teenager- haha!
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