There's a book called 'The Five Love Languages' and it helps you and your spouse learn how to express your commitment to each other by understanding which "love language" you need. In the book, the author talks about five different types of love languages: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts of Love, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. The author helps you figure out which type you are by saying things like, "He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk" , or "She cooks you dinner when all you really need is a hug."
I starting reading the book when Zach and I first got married and I thought to myself," I don't need this book! We have NO problems with this." Now, over a year later, we realize that lately, we have each been "communicating" in totally different ways and it's not always the way that the other would prefer. A Quote from the book kind of describes what I'm talking about:
'Welcome to the real world of marriage, where hairs are always on the sink and little white spots cover the mirror, where arguments center on which way the toilet paper comes off and whether the lid should be up or down. ..... Married adults long to feel affection from their spouses. We feel secured when we are assured that our mate accepts us, wants us, and is committed to our well being.'
So, my point is not that Zach and I are having problems in our marriage. We have a great marriage, but like most of you ,( unless your relationship is perfect!) sometimes, what speaks volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse! Anyway, yesterday, on our drive home from Arizona, we had a D.T.R. ... ha ha okay not really. But we had a really good talk and realized that we have been showing affection to each other the completely wrong way! Zach's love language is mostly words of affirmation and physical touch, so that's the way he shows me! My language is Quality time and Acts of Service, and that's the way I show him! It needs to be the other way around! After our intense conversation, I thought wow! Why has it taken us this long to realize this! Suddenly we are communicating!..Everyone needs this! So if your husband makes your bed everyday, and you wish he would leave the mess and just give you a massage.. then this is the best advice I can give you! Either read 'The Five Love Languages' or find out what language you and your spouse speak!
a D.T.R.! I know I have been married awhile when I completely forgot about having "D.T.R.'s"!!! I would really like to read this book.
this is a wonderfully fabulous book, i'm so glad you found it, i recommend it to everyone no matter how long you've been married! :)
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