Congratulations to Salesi Taputafoki Uipi and Kaci lee Uipi! The wedding was beautiful! Here are some highlights of the reception:

Salesi's Aunt found out about the wedding less than a week before and still flew to Hawaii to pick up all of the lays for the family!

The flowers were absolutely beautiful! I was unsure what kaci's colors were before her wedding, but it came together great!

Salesi's big and happy family had a traditional Tongan money dance for Salesi and Kaci. I wish I had a money dance at my wedding!

When I saw these pictures I couldn't help but laugh because this is exactly how I picture kaci with her husband!.. Feeding him good food! (kaci is a talented chef) It was a fun day and I'm sad we had to leave the warm weather so soon! It's crazy all of my sisters are married. Our family has doubled in size in such a short amount of time! I have a feeling it's just going to keep getting bigger!
The Dollar Dance is a must have! We aren't even Tongan and we had one- we got a little over 500 from it- which meant our Honeymoon spending money didn't have to come from us! :)
I think its funny that Kaci had everyone wear all black- yet isn't that so morbid to people in Tonga? She should've had people wear really bright colors! congrats to kaci and salesi.
Congrats to your sister! It looks like a fun wedding and you two look so much alike!
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