Jonah has to sleep with his head propped up so he's either sleeping in our bed or in his swing to help prop him up. We bought a humidifier that's running near him constantly. I love this picture of him because he looks like such a big boy sleeping with a pillow and all.

The first time we used the nebulizer at the doctor's, Jonah freaked out! I was dreading having to do the treatment on my own! The first night it was miserable, especially waking him up at 2 in the morning to run the machine.. I was expecting the same reaction again at six, but out of no where either Jonah suddenly didn't care, or he just got tired of fighting it. He closed his eyes and practically slept the whole 15 minutes. Now that's pretty much how it goes, so it's MUCH more enjoyable and I know it's helping him so much! Here is a video clip I took of Zach using the nebulizer on Jonah. I thought it was so cute how calm and collected Jonah seemed the whole time. He sure loves his daddy.
I'm hoping he starts feeling better before we head down to Arizona next week for my sister's wedding.
Those are great pictures. I also love the one of him sleeping on the pillow. He looks like he's 2 in it! I hope he gets better soon. I hate seeing little babies sick.
I love the video when all he does is just blink his little eyes! You have the most adorable baby!
That is the weirdest video to put on your blog. I am laughing so hard. Please hang on to that so Jonah can see it when he is older and make fun of his parents for being such NERDS! I do love the pics though. poor jonah!!! Feel better soon.
Poor kid...I can't imagine that it is too much fun having a sick baby. Hopefully he gets better soon.
Get better Jonah. We are not going to get to see you guys when you come down. Bummer! I will be in CA with my fam and Devin will be in UT snowboarding with some friends from work. We will have to catch you next time. Give Jonah a kiss for me!
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