A Picture Story
By: Caitlin Nalder
Jonah and mommy decided to go on a bed time walk. Jonah was very happy to be outside in the nice weather.

He took the time to reflect on his day and all the exciting games he played. Like when daddy threw him up in the air and twirled him around the house. That was so much fun! Or when Aunt Kelley came by and they made silly faces at each other.

He thought about how yummy lunch was and how much he enjoys pushing stuff.

They stopped to rest on the grass. Jonah thought mommy was going to let him play in the water!

Jonah didn't realize that in order to touch the water, he would have to crawl through the grass!

He sat and thought long and hard about what to do..

Finally, Jonah convinced himself to face his fear of the pokey grass and give it a shot!
Too bad he tried to crawl on a hill. The grass is definitely NOT Jonah's friend. Next time, they're bringing a blanket.
Is he sleeping in his high chair?
oh thats so cute! you should do these stories more!
Very creative! And so adorable!
The last b&w pic is so cute. He has a little curl on the front of his hair!
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