The office had a barbecue yesterday afternoon. I loved not having to make lunch after church!

Kelley and I wore the same t-shirt. Thats what happens when you shop together.

Jonah was SO mellow the whole time! I think we were there right through his afternoon nap.

Uncle Vak and Jonah hung out together while I got more food. It was a great day! The weather was so nice too! I think the best part of the barbecue was when all the guys broke out into song. They were all singing along to Kenny Chesney or Someone like that. It was really awkward for Kelley and I.
Like my new blog layout? ha ha I realized that blogging is like scrap booking for me.
CUTE! yes, that was so fun. Hey we are going to be doing a lot more girl get togethers starting tomorrow we are going to the pool!
I really like those pictures. Jonah looks so big!
YES! I love your new background! I tried to follow those directions you put on your blog a while back about how to do cute backgrounds and I didn't get it; just don't get photo shop! Anyway, these were cute pictures! I know I always tell you, Caitlin, but you are so gorgeous! Zack is a lucky guy! I love the profile picture of Jonah where he is zoning..he looks so sleepy. That's great that you got to enjoy yourself! p.s. as far as the whole shower comment you wrote on my blog, now that by hub is gone, I take showers in the morning, cause it freaks me out at night when no one else is home ( i'm a baby, i know)... so yeah, I let them wander the house. I always put a movie on, or give them something to keep them busy and I constantly tell my oldest not to EVER open the front door! It still worries me a bit, but I keep the bathroom door open and every once in a while call for them to see what they are doing. So far so good!
you're new background is super cute! Do you mostly use Shabby Princess or something else?? I'm always looking for new sites :)
What a sweet picture of you Zack and Jonah! Super Cute!
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