I was finally able to upload all my pictures! yay! We've been having so much fun lately! Jonah is such a big kid! Today, for example, he started to say "Dada". We know that he probably doesn't have any idea what that means but we like to believe it's his first word.
Jonah has been kind of sick this past week, the poor little guy's nose was so plugged up he couldn't eat or sleep. Today he seems to be doing better.. I'm so relieved!

It's so cute to me that Jonah just crawls around and sits whenever he feels like it! He is such a little man! Still super chunky though! I love my little marshmallow!

We went swimming with the other moms in the office and Jonah L O V E S the pool! Too bad the weather wasn't nice enough to swim for more than 20 minutes! I can't wait to go back!

I bought Jonah a swim diaper and swim trunks, the swim trunks were too small in his waist... What a belly that boy has! It hangs over everything! Haha!

Here's another sweet picture of our boy!
Remember our balcony view in California? This is our view now.. a little different! I love the open land! It's very peaceful here (besides the tornadoes)

The other day Jonah pulled himself up on the front door! He surprises me every day!
Caitlin you guys have such a cute boy. I love the black and white photo he looks like his dad! Im glad i rememebered you had a blog! Yay for blogs.. I think ill do a post on school :) I really do miss everyone and the good times at school! I have lots of photo's ill have to email you the ones i have i have like 3 disks full i think?
I like your new background! Jonah is soo cute, and such a chunker. I will show vak those pics, he will really like them:)
In the first picture, I swear I was looking at Zach! he definitely is a perfect mixture of the two of you! I can't believe all the places you are living this summer! You are braver than I am!
I love Jonah. I want to smother that kid! Marshmellow is a good name for him! My Jonah is sick right now too...doesn't it break your heart! I love your new background! I really need a lesson on how to make a cute background!
He looks sooo much like Zach. What a little cutie! When are you guys coming back out?!
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