Yesterday was cursed. First, we went out to breakfast and the waitress wouldn't substitute a waffle for a pancake. After breakfast, we ran to wal-mart because Zach really wanted a new pair of shorts. Camo shorts to be exact. This is actually the pair I was going to buy him for $50 from Abercrombie and Fitch.

I ran and got Kelley and she was convinced she could unlock the car with a coat hanger. The first 5 minutes were really fun for Jonah I think. He just laughed and smiled as I made faces at him through the window. I knew though that I needed to get him out soon because it was getting hot and stuffy in the car. While kelley tried with a coat hanger a few times I called my apartment complex to see if they could send a maintenance guy to help. They asked me for my number to call back and Of course I wasn't thinking (I was really upset) and I gave them my phone number and my phone was locked in the car! Next I ran into Kelley's house and called literally about 4 Lock smiths and NONE of them could do it for one reason or another even though I'm yelling "MY BABY IS LOCKED IN THE CAR!" I finally decided to just call 911, and by this time it had been about 20 minutes and Jonah was hysterical and there was sweat dripping off his face. I panicked for a minute and tried breaking the window but I couldn't even do that! ( I'm not very strong) Kelley had to talk to the 911 operator because I was too emotional. The lady kept trying to calm me down but it only made me feel worse. Within 5 minutes a cop was there and got Jonah out! I was SO RELIEVED he was okay! Even though his whole body was drenched in sweat! I ran him inside and gave him some water. Poor little guy, I've never seen him gulp down a water bottle like that. So Jonah is Okay, and I now Know to call 911 immediately! They come so quickly! I'm very paranoid now about locking and unlocking my car. I wish I had one of those cars with the key pad on the door. That would come in handy.
Kelley told me it wasn't that hot in the car. IT sounds like it was really hot. I'm glad he's okay.
Oh my goodness, it definitely sounds like a rough day! It's all because of your dumb server that wouldn't give you the waffle..they jinxed your whole day! :)
Caitlin if it makes you feel any better there was a lady on the news last night who went to her friends house and was in there for 4 HOURS before she remembered she left her baby in the car... yeah you're still a great mom :)
Oh, poor Jonah.:( I'm so glad he is okay! What a day!
I didn't know y'all had moved again! You look like your having so much fun! I love it when I get a great deal, it seems camo shorts are the perfect uniform for living in the trenches of parenthood. Don't worry with four (almost five) kids I've done the same things. I went in Target with only two kids yesterday and the cashier was like "will you ever have more kids" and I said we'll see as I walked away without paying LOL This was after leaving a bag of groceries at Wal-Mart (which I didn't find out about until I was home three hours later)without dinner!
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