Friday night Jonah woke up around nine with really bad croup. He's had a runny nose for a couple days but nothing too serious. When I put him to bed at seven, I gave him a bath and suctioned his nose and he seemed to be doing pretty well. When he woke up a couple hours later I thought it was a dog barking outside. Zach immediately said we need to take him to the E.R. ( that's what happens when your married to a nurse) I was glad we did though, Jonah got a steroid to open his airway and a breathing treatment. We finally left the Emergency room around 11:20 or so and Zach was really tired. I insisted to drive home so he could get some shut eye, since the night before we drove home from St. George and didn't get in till one and Zach drove the whole way.
The roads were pretty bare, being so late at night, and as I drove down freedom Blvd. I was stoked because I was hitting all the green lights. I was going through the green light at freedom and 100 n. when suddenly a white car sped through coming perpendicular to us. He hit us on the front passenger side. It happened so quickly I had no time to react. He was going the same speed we were if not faster. Our air bags went off as soon as he hit. I was scared when we didn't stop after that. Through the haze of white powder from the air bag, everything went in slow motion as our car shooted left directly into the light pole. Right before we hit I remember thinking, 'oh crap! I hope we make it.' After we hit, I looked back at Jonah and he was screaming while he barely hung in his seat. His car seat buckle that goes across his chest had started come undone. We got out of the car, and these guys from the street came running towards us screaming, "OMG! Mam, mam, are you okay? Sir, are you okay??! Get away from the car its leaking and its going to BLOW UP!" Zach got Jonah out and we followed the weirdo's orders and backed away from the car. I don't remember much that was going on. We were obviously in shock. The fire department, police. and paramedics came and took us in the ambulance to check us out. They told us how horrible our crash was and how lucky we are to be alive. The police kept telling me if our seat belts weren't on we would be really messed up if not dead. Zach and I cried like babies as they checked us out in the ambulance. We felt so lucky and so relieved.

The Fire department Chief took Jonah to the Hotel next store and got him some milk. It was really cute watching all these big firemen walk around with a baby and a bottle. Besides a few broken blood vessels, Jonah is completely fine from the wreck! They let us go home but told us to go back to the E.R. the next day to get checked out. Zach pulled a lot of muscles in his arm, they gave me some chest x-rays, but everything is okay! I have a nasty burn from my seat belt, bruised legs, and I can't chew anything because my jaw hurts. The other driver was totally fine. He claims he was trying to turn right and he got a ticket for failure to yield. He was 21 years old, and in my opinion, being a complete idiot.

I guess we get a new car!! Zachs brother ben has been nice enough to let us borrow his until our insurance covers a rental. To be honest though, I'm not really feeling like driving anymore. It took me a while to even look at the pictures because I get sick to my stomach thinking about the wreck. My sister Kelley and sister in law , and brother in law have been so helpful these past couple of days. The doctor gave us some pain medicine and muscle relaxants and I was finally able to sleep last night. I'm so glad we went back to the E.R. and got some pain meds because I'm feeling much worse today and ibuprofen just isn't cutting it. I feel so blessed. The lord protected our little family that night, and we've never felt so happy to be alive and well.
* if this post sounds kind of weird, I'm on a lot of pain medicine and I'm pretty out of it. But I feel like I need to write this down before the details aren't as fresh in my mind.