Thanks so much for everyones advice. I really appreciate all the help I can get! For an update, yesterday, suprisingly Jonah took a two hour nap! I did it by never giving up. Basically, if he would start crying after 15 minutes, I would just wait 5 minutes or so, then go in and give him his bottle or turn his music box on for him. (he has one of those music boxes that lights up attached to his crib) Anyway, then he fell asleep again at like 5:20 till 6:00 p.m. in the car, and that totally messed up his bed time..we couldn't get him to settle down till 8:00! He normally takes a nap around 10 or 10 30 and goes to bed between 6 30 and 7 00. He wakes up at 6 every morning no matter what time he goes to sleep either! Today he took another two hour nap!yay! Of course he cried for like 15 minutes or so. I still have a hard time letting him "cry it out", I guess the way I do it is by going in every 5 or 10 minutes and making him lie down and handing him his bottle. It usually works pretty well. My sister suggested putting toys in his crib, so I tried that tonight, and he completely ignored them. I don't know if it's better to go in every ten minutes or to never come back. I guess it just depends on your child and situation. Everyone needs to do what works best for them. I do feel though like I might get to that point of desperation. On a positive note, we solved the problem of taking him to stores!
Presenting: The Baby Leash!!!

Zach was pretty wierded out by this at first, he said, " Are we really going to put him on a leash? Jonah will hate that!" But I really wanted to at least try it, even though I was worried everyone would think we were cruel by walking our child like a puppy.. But you know what? Jonah LOVES IT! The little monkey backpack is AWESOME, and we had so many people in the mall come up and tell us how smart we were for getting one of those. People kept making comments about how cute Jonah was and how they lost their baby two times in a store and finally bought one too. So I totally recommend this! I mean, it probably depends on your child's age, I don't know how long this will last with Jonah, but it's so great! He loves it because he doesn't feel like we are holding on to him but we still have control over him. Love it.
p.s. I'm really frustrated with this blogger. I made my blog stretch and it somehow deleted my header! DARN YOU BLOG! thanks a lot.
That's great, but I really wonder how long it will last. You'll have to let me know.
I love your backgrounds, they are always so cute! There was this little boy in FL in our APX group that walked around with that monkey leash/backpack all of the time. He loved that thing and everytime I looked at him I would think how adorable he was. Yea, let us know how long it lasts because next time around I will probably get one!
I have always thought the backpack leash was the greatest idea ever! I have a lot more respect for parents who put them on their kids instead of letting them run wild around the store... and Jonah looks so cute in it! :)
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