I think so.
About three weeks ago, Zach heard an Old Navy commercial on the radio telling everyone to come in because they were having a "HUGE SALE! BUY 3 T-SHIRTS FOR 6 DOLLARS!" Zach was really stoked because he needed some new shirts. So off we went! When we got to the store, we realized the shirts on sale said "OLD NAVY 2008" across them. um..YUCK! We can't wear that! People can't know we shop at Old Navy!! (jk) But Zach soon realized that for two dollars a t shirt, he could have some extra tees to wear around. After some convincing, I bought three too because I always need a shirt just to wear around the house. You know, to clean in. Or sleep in.
Lesson to learn:
NEVER buy MATCHING clothes with your spouse!!!!!! There have been one too many times where I get dressed, and Zach gets dressed wearing THE SAME SHIRT!
NEVER buy MATCHING clothes with your spouse!!!!!! There have been one too many times where I get dressed, and Zach gets dressed wearing THE SAME SHIRT!
Today was the worst though, I had to run some errands early this morning and I threw on my only clean shirt, an OLD NAVY SHIRT!! and soon realized that my husband had not only done the same, but we both had long white sleeves underneath!! After some arguing, we both refused to change. (pride issues, I know) I was supposed to only be out for a while anyway though. But of course, my plans changed.. and I never had the chance to run home and change.
So there we were, shopping at the grocery store wearing matching shirts. Oh well. I'm sure no one noticed.
Oh I'm sure people noticed- they just didn't say anything. thats sooo funny!
That is hilarious. Were they both pink shirts? Those shirts will be great in 5 years when they say 2008.
Too bad they didn't have one for Jonah- then you could have been triplets! :)
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