It is. I know. Well my only excuse is I was on pain killers. But that's not a very good excuse. So I guess it's just one of those words that's not really a word, and it's in my vocabulary, sadly. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I have been informed that I wrote the fake word shooted in my post about the wreck.
So the embarrassment is over with. Let's move on.
Don't you just love the fall? It seems like the leaves changed color overnight. I keep feeling like there is a huge yellow school bus sitting outside my window, ..but it's just our tree. On a more serious note, I really don't like getting into politics on here but I found this really powerful video and just had to post it.
What Obama will Fight for:

Yeah, that video is sad. It makes me glad that Kelley can't vote for Obama because she forgot to register. Sorry Kelley...
Hi Katie, I know you don't even know me but my husband Steven and I read your blog because apparently he knows you (Steven Carbonneau). Anyway, that video is just plain sick and Obama is a nasty man. I was just at the hospital last night because my brother and his wife had their first baby boy and I can't imagine putting that little baby out to die. Sad! Thanks for posting that video though, I'd heard his views on abortion before but never found something to back me up!
Well first of all this is obvious attempt to discredit a candidate based on testimony of some nurse in some hospital, and some random sound bites from different speeches and unchecked facts. This is the first time i have heard of this, while there is only 2 weeks left before election. This has not even been on "Fox Noise" channel. At the end of the clip it is clear that this is propaganda because it comes from organization ""(hussein is obama's middle name)who clearly will do anything to discredit him, they even try to say he is a terrorist and a murderer of babies. We should all have enough sense to screen through tear jerker propaganda ads designed to anger our basic human feelings for poor baby's or kitties or whatever. Its true that it is sad if those babies really died, but that lady should be in jail right now because she "watched" 40 or so babies die in "linens"... are you guys serious? In the end by their fruits you shall know them..., have you checked the news today, we are in recession, in 2 wars, and all of us r gona go broke pretty soon. So lets check the facts and look into real issues instead of reacting to obvious propaganda before we make our choices in November. Let the best person win!!!
Your right Kelley, she should be in jail! But she's not because it wasn't illegal! Obama voted against it three times!!! Check the facts! And it was on Fox "noise" channel. I don't expect you to know that though because you probably don't ever watch fox. Check the facts kelley, and not just what your husband tells you. 60/40
caitlin even fox news discredited this story because it is soo out there. (they talked about it on hannity and colmes). check your facts on why he actually voted against it and what exactly he was voting against. Obama has stated he is anti abortion because it goes against his christian views but he doesn't believe in taking the "choice" away from women but as president he does plan on trying to limit the number of abortions that are performed (i.e. working with planned parenthood)
here's an article for you to check the facts: (from the salt lake tribune)
one more thing...
McCain isn't going to outlaw abortion. He's only said that he will leave it up to each state to decide.
and another thing- republicans have been in power for a while now... and abortion is still LEGAL. Plus- there hasn't even been a serious discussion brought up about it, but every election republicans use it as one of their scare tactics, but once they become elected they don't do anything about it!
Arn't you happy you wrote this post?
Kelley don't say it's the first time you heard of this, I sent you an email about this a month ago. And if you listened to any people who are NOT left-winged) You would have heard of this many times, and yes I beleive it to be true. HE DID SAY however, that he "doesn't want to PUNISH his daughters with a BABY"
Kelley, I have a video for you to watch.
It's Andy Samberg "Jamming the Vote" on SNL.
Read "The Giver" "uncle" Greg had us read it when I was a teen. I called my Mom to get the name again a few weeks back because it's like Dejavu now that Obama is running for president!
I'm so relieved you are ok after the accident wish I were there to give you all massages!
I just posted this on my blog too! And . . . I LOVE that picture. It makes me laugh so hard!
The banter between you Goodrich girls gives me a good laugh- I love all four of you! :)
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