Monday, October 6, 2008

it's the big ONE

Jonah turned one years old today! We had a HUGE party for him! I probably went overboard, but I just couldn't help myself, I want him to remember this day forever! ..ya right. We played pin the "dog on the fire truck" from the dollar store, and I made cupcakes. The biggest part of the evening was when Jonah stuffed his face with a cup cake. Sorry there are so many pictures. Here's how Jonah's first party went down. 
Waz up? I'm a big kid now.
Aunt Katie greeting the birthday boy.  Jonah is too old for kisses now.
Checking out Uncle Ben's camera. 
Singing Happy Birthday...
Yumm, YUM, ... I should have thrown his party a little earlier. Jonah was really tired by the time everyone came over.
Jonah LOVES running around in the backyard with the hose. So what better than to hose him down naked? Jonah took the opportunity to relieve himself.
I made Zach stop hosing him down because he started shivering. Poor Jonah!! We ran him inside and gave in a nice warm bath. It was a fun night! Happy birthday Jonah! I love him so much and I can't believe a year has gone by!


Cristin said...

Happy Birthday Jonah!!! I forgot to call even though I was thinking about it all week! I will call tomorrow, he won't know the difference. Those pictures are hilarious. I wish we could have been there.

Mary and Eric Francis said...

Aw he is so cute! Happy birthday little Jonah! I hope you guys are doing great. Are you guys back in utah then? we need to all get together! Hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you Jonah! Yes I am also really really sad I missed it. you couldn't have waited a week? Jonah wouldnt have known the difference... (btw thats crsitins excuse for everything!)

Jay & Tammi Roberts said...

Happy birthday to the little tyke! I can't believe that he is already a year old...time flies by way to quickly! I bet you are dying that your baby is a year already.

amber {and co.} said...

Happy 1st bday Jonah! He's getting so big, I love it! He is such a cutie pie! I totally would have gone all out too, the first birthday party is really for the moms anyway :) Glad you had so much fun!