Sunday, October 26, 2008


Am I the only one who thinks it looks really cheesy? I hope I'm wrong, but I couldn't help but laugh at this!


amber {and co.} said...

YES!! I really liked the books but am hesitant to see the movie because I think it will ruin it for me! I feel like such a loser because everyone is excited for the movie and I think it looks lame- thanks for making me feel validated Caitlin :)

Cristin said...

Are you kidding? This looks AWESOME! Just kidding, I am one of 10 people in the world who haven't read the books yet. I'm borrowing Twilight on CD and we're going to listen to it while we're driving to San Francisco in a few weeks.

Unknown said...

The movie will never live up to my expectations. But i'm still going to the midnight showing of the movie! Edward just isn't as hot as I picture him. What does Zach think about it??

Anonymous said...

what you do is open up your picture files and you go to the fourth file and then the fourth picture and whatever it is you must post it on your blog and write a little something about it.

Anonymous said...

I am also one of the 10 who haven't read it!

Lisa Hobbs said...

I think the music in the clip makes it cheesy, but I am excited for the movie. I like who they got to play Bella.

Me and The Boys said...

I am excited to see the movie, but I think Edward looks like a freak, and it seems like his acting sucks, and I'm sure it won't measure up to the books but it would be cool to see it tried in a movie. I'm going with Lisa, we'll let you know if its worth seeing.