Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I don't think he appreciated us taking pictures of him.
It was just too funny to pass up. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a good day

Normally, Zach works three days a week, but since he picked up a couple extras las t week, Monday was his first real day off. It was so nice to have him home!We took Jonah to Jumpin' Jacks and he had a blast! 
As you can see, I think Zach was having a little more fun than Jonah was.

This was the BIG SLIDE. It was pretty scary looking, even for me. I made Zach promise to hold on to Jonah, but he decided Jonah could do it on his own.
I though my little boy was going to fly off and snap his neck! He did almost roll over though! So, after that, he only went down with daddy. He's definitely a fearless little guy though.
One last slide. 
We ended the day watching Zach free board down some hills and Jonah ride his bike around. kelley joined us for the fun. 
It was really nice outside. Does this mean it's summer again? It will probably snow next week.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Square Butt

The other night as we were watching The Office, this commercial came on. Notice anything disgusting about it?

(keep in mind, this is a short version of it. It was worse when I saw it.)
If you didn't, Watch it again. 
When has it become appropriate to use SEX to sell a kids meal? This commercial is just incredibly disgusting. Who approved to air this raunchy kids meal commercial?  Has our nation really become that corrupt that we think its appropriate to use girls doing a  dance in "Square" booty shorts to sell a toy for kids 10 and under? I started thinking about where else this commercial would air, hmmm.. oh probably nickelodeon!
Burger King, you make me sick.
So if you happen to see a seven year old doing a booty dance and singing this song while she eats her Happy Meal, you know. Or if your little five year old son comes up to you and says, "I like square butts mommy!"  Now you know
Parents, this is the kind of crap that's on television.  So far, the only channel I find safe is Playhouse Disney, and maybe PBS kids.  But who knows how long that will last. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

an otter pop and no belt

Makes for a perfect summer day! Am I dreaming? I can't believe summer has FINALLY arrived. We are definitely taking advantage of this amazing weather!
You know it's summer when:
1. Your husband mows your lawn and is outside doing tricks on his bike.
2. You run your ceiling fan at night, and kick off all the covers
3. You drive with the windows rolled down
4. Drinking tons of ice water and eating lots of popsicles is all you want to do
5. Your husband finds a mountain of ants, pours gasoline on it and lights it on fire
6. The whole neighborhood comes out in their bathing suits to watch the show. 
7. The ice cream truck just came by, again
Check out those shorts!! ..or diaper.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


    Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you that I am the pickiest eater.  It's only because everyone else in my family will eat things like caviar, fish and muscle soup (for thanksgiving one year), weird danish candy, and liver. On the other hand, to my husband's family, I am really "out there" when it comes to food. Zach thinks I am so strange because instead of wanting candy for a snack I eat green olives, and my favorite dinner ever is corned beef with steamed cabbage. 
      Now that stuff may be a little weird, but the one thing that I definitely AM picky about is expiration dates. I drive my mother CrAzY because if I ever go home, I check everything I eat to make sure it's still "fresh".  She's tried to convince me that those dates don't mean a thing, and back in the day there was no such thing as an expiration date. I don't care though. Even if it's not accurate, that little dated stamp makes me feel a whole lot better. I don't want to risk pouring a glass of sour milk, or eating some beef that has gone bad. If that ever happens to me, I will be scarred for life. 
   The worst is milk. I won't drink milk anywhere but from my fridge, it has to be REALLY cold, and if my glass starts to get a tiny bit warm while I'm eating, I will throw it out and pour some new milk. I have rules for these things. I will bake or cook with milk on it's expiration date, but I won't drink that milk. 
  So now that you all know what a freak I am when it comes to my food, I have a feeling that Jonah is picking up on my little paranoia. 
 For the past week, he is being so weird about his milk. I will pour him a new bottle and then five minutes later he will ask for new milk. Oh, and in order for him to drink it, it has to be really cold and he wants to watch me refill it. Now it might just be because his throat is sore, but he want's me to refill it even when it's still really cold.
 Since this is perfectly understandable to me, I've been going along with it, and wasting a lot of milk so he can always have cold, fresh milk. That is until Zach discovered what was going on last night. I asked him to fill up Jonah's already full bottle of milk, and show Jonah what he was doing, so Jonah would accept it. 
     Of course Zach convinced me how ridiculous and spoiled Jonah was becoming, and I realized I was creating a mini me!(Do you think I like being this way?)
     So today, Jonah is NOT getting a new cup of milk every ten minutes, but I am putting it back in the fridge as soon as I see he's not drinking it. He's not too happy about it, and keeps throwing his bottle in my face, but he'll learn. Being a mom is so hard. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You've Got to be Kidding Me!

This is why I want to leave Utah! Will it Ever End?? You just never know around here. 28 degrees people. 28!! In APRIL!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Breath of Death

Well, Jonah actually had surgery! I never thought this day would come! As I mentioned, he's been sick so I had no idea if he would be able to go through with the surgery or not. Even driving up to the hospital Monday morning, Zach and I were still unsure if he was well enough.  Jonah was such a trooper going into surgery. He had a hard time breathing when he was coming out of anesthesia, and we had to keep oxygen on him for the first little bit, and while he slept. 
After Jonah started doing a little better, the nurse let us take him on a walk. That probably lasted about three minutes. You can tell by this picture that he was not enjoying himself. The doctor walked by, and decided Jonah needed some stronger pain medication. By the way, I don't know why every picture I have is of Jonah with no shirt on. That's the way he came out of surgery, and I guess when we did have a shirt on him, he would drool or spill ice cream all over it. 
Primary Children's were so nice and gave Jonah a stuffed animal and a new blanket that's in all these pictures. He's not one to hold on to a teddy bear, but he must of needed a lot of comfort because he did not want to let this little lamb go! 
We had to spend a night in the hospital and Jonah probably slept great on his pain meds compared to Zach and I. Lets just say, I would never recommend sleeping in a hospital bed, or chair. It was a really, really long night.
Here he is getting ready to go home!!!! YAY! 
Jonah didn't have any nausea the whole hospital stay until we drove home. He started puking and coughing while we were on the freeway, and I had to dive in the back seat and take him out before he choked. Poor guy! Another side affect of the surgery, is stinky breath. WOW! That boy's breath is DEATH! Jonah keeps trying to cuddle up and kiss me, and I can't even handle it. It is OH SO BAD. Here is Jonah today, he spends most of his time on the couch, watching a movie. He gets upset if I don't make his bed the right way. 
I know, he looks really out of it. Hang in there Jonah! 

Friday, April 10, 2009

Where's Steve?

As you can already tell, we are big Blue's Clues fans. Zach and I have become just as excited about Steve and his dog Blue as Jonah. It all started when we bought Jonah "Blue's Big Musical"  It is so GREAT! I would highly recommend it for anyone around the age of 1 -4. Jonah is a pro at all the dance moves. 
  After we realized how great Blue's Clues is, we bought Blue's big Stories. (I think that's what it's called.) That's when we discovered that Steve goes to "College" and his "brother Joe" takes his place. OH we can't STAND Joe!!!! So if you are going to buy a Blue's Clues dvd make sure it's with Steve! 

If you think we are crazy, well check out this tribute to Steve someone made: 
Go to the link and read all the comments about this video, people are seriously in love with this guy!!!! It's pretty funny.
Anyway, so we always wonder, what happened to Steve? A lot of rumors came out that he died, or killed himself. I heard another one that he wanted to pursue his emo rock band. So I went to and looked it up. 
Steve NOW: 
Oh and this one...
Steve is now 36 years old, and his two movies since being on Blue's Clues for ten years have been: 

Christmas on Mars
and Nether Beast Incorporated. Can you point him out? He's the bald guy.
Am I the only one who hasn't heard of these films? Steve, Steve, Steve. You should have stuck with Blue.

Oh and one more funny thing. I always wonder how tall he is because in the show you can't tell except that they make everything really unrealistic with their size. For example: The alarm clock "Tickitey" goes to Steve's knees. Well, I guess it's just because Steve is really only 5'6 and his nickname is Little Man.
 So Steve, if your reading this, I want to say thank you. You're the only one who can take Jonah's mind off his awful yeast infection. You help me cook dinner. You even taught my son some pretty cool dance moves and now he can read music notes! I know how to draw lots of cool pictures because of you. Thanks Steve!!! 

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Jonah was up all night screaming and coughing. He then woke up with an awful runny nose. AHH! He can't be sick! NOT NOW! His surgery is on Monday, so I have four days to bring him back to health! 
    Today has been the longest day. On top of having a little cold, Jonah suddenly has a diaper rash. He couldn't take a nap because he kept trying to rub his bottom (and breathe through his stuffy nose). I probably spent half an hour rubbing cream on his butt. It was so cute/funny to see him relax while I rubbed butt paste on his bum. In the end, I let him sleep commando, because he was THAT miserable. I'm starting to wonder if it's a yeast infection. 
So now, I'm finally sitting down, while he watches Blue's Clues, and once in a while looks at me and screams,tugs at his butt, and gives me that poor, miserable look with snot all over his face. 
   If only he could learn to blow his own nose. 
I'll just keep on suctioning. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

no air

So many of you know about Jonah's history of being sick. It all started when I was in labor. After my water broke when I was dilated to an 8 or 9 , Jonah's oxygen dropped tremendously and kept dropping, ending with me in the operating room. Luckily, right before they cut me open his oxygen levels started rising again, and the doctor gave me the okay to push. He spent only a couple hours in the NICU and was a perfect healthy baby after that. 
      Little did I know that was only the beginning of Jonah having trouble breathing. When he was four months old the doctor thought he had bronchitis and ordered an albuterol breathing treatment every four hours a day. That ended up being RSV, and I have never seen my baby so sick.  I remember going into the hospital to have his nose suctioned twice a day, and the nurse mentioning how narrow his nostrils were. I didn't think much of it at the time. 
       Then, there was sleeping. Jonah never took long naps and until he was ten months old, slept with me and woke up screaming every hour or so. I thought he was just attached to nursing, so I quit that and it seemed to help a little
   At twelve months he got the croup and woke up with retractions  . We had to take him to the emergency room which resulted in this incident.  More albuterol treatments,more emergency room visits, more doctors writing it off as asthma until finally we went to an awesome specialist who really understood what the issue was. FINALLY! 
      After Jonah's broncoscopy  and sleep study our doctor came to the conclusion that Jonah has very large adenoids and tonsils. He also has acid reflux which has really irritated his throat. 
  Every time Jonah falls into REM sleep  he has an airway obstruction  and had 18 of those during his sleep study!  When we fall into REM sleep, we lose all muscle control. So Jonah's small airway and adenoids basically just cave in, causing him to feel as if he is suffocating. 
    I feel so awful that I had no idea this is what has been going on this whole time! He is having surgery in a few weeks to remove his adenoids and his tonsils. The recovery will be a hard two weeks probably, but we are hoping our little boy will finally be able to breathe and sleep on his own.  Wish us Luck!