Sunday, October 25, 2009

my little man

Jonah is becoming such a big boy lately! He has the funniest personality and I love watching it come out more and more!

We took Jonah to our ward's halloween party/trunk or treat. I wasn't sure if he would wear his costume but he was the complete opposite! He was a bee, as you can hopefully tell, and the only funny thing about his costume was his hood was really tight. It looked so uncomfertable to me, and he would not let us take it off! I think the picture really shows how smooshed his face is. Funny boy.

I should have taken more pictures of the night. Jonah loved showing off and comparing his costume with all his friends. Oh and trick or treating was like the night of his dreams! After each candy was put in his bucket, he would want to stop to observe and eat each piece. After a couple trunks, he knew exactly what was going on.
Then, when he woke up after his crazy fun filled night, he came down stairs looking like this:
Notice the smeared makeup.

I sure love this guy. He makes every day very interesting!

Friday, October 23, 2009


..and only three weeks left. more or less.

I'm so happy to finally have her nursery complete! Wasn't sure if I would have it done in time. I thought it would be so easy to do a girls room but it turned out to be much more difficult deciding what I liked. I just hope my husband doesn't find all the fabric that I never used. oops.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I think I can, I think I can

Jonah is still sick. I know thats not too surprising, it seems like he is always sick. Poor guy. So I took him to our new pediatrician, who I loved, and she really thinks he has asthma even though it's "too early in life" to tell. It makes sense though. He's perfectly healthy every summer but as soon as the cold hits he gets sick and can't breathe. Plus it definitely runs in our family. It's interesting to me that non of the other doctors considered it really, but he definitely had a lot more going on other than asthma!
So the cure for this? Oh heaven help me!!!!! During the winter months, Jonah will get Three breathing treatments of Pulmocort a day, (pulmocort is a preventative steroid) and while he is sick: Three albuterol treatments a day on top of the Pulmocort!! So as of right now, he gets SIX breathing treatments a day!!!!!! If I didn't have anxiety, I do now. A breathing treatment for Jonah is like hell and back. Really, it's that horrible.
I truly feel like my prayers have been answered though. Since his appointment yesterday, I prayed that I would have the stength to do this and that Jonah would learn to be okay with the treatments every day. I asked Zachary to bring home a mouth piece for our nebulizer, Jonah has been using the mask, and I had Zach help me with first treatment this morning using the mouth piece.
To our astonishment, Jonah loved it! We let him play with it and told him it was like a whistle and all day long he has been asking to use the nebulizer! It really is A Miracle! I was feeling so scared and overwhelmed all day with all his health problems going on (this is only one part of it) and today I am positive and hopeful for Jonah. I'm so grateful. I know our father in heaven truly does know us individually. I know that as long as we are doing all we can and truly put our trust in him, he will be there to help carry us through our trials and give us the strength we need. As little as this problem might be to some, I have never felt more relieved and blessed!

Monday, October 12, 2009

He's a maniac!

First of all thanks every one for the awesome milk ideas! I have been using a lot of them! I checked my milk again, and only three are expiring on the same day. Still a lot of milk though! A lot of you asked why I would have that much milk, well believe it or not but between Zach and Jonah, I usually buy four gallons of milk at a time! I think what happened this time though was we had company in town who bought their own milk and we ended up drinking theirs before we got to our milk. I guess most people don't drink whole milk like we do. mmm.. I can't drink anything less than 2%.

Okay so what is with my son wanting to be nude ALL THE TIME. It's getting bad. The other day, we took Jonah to Tucanos and he took his shirt off in the restaurant. Since I didn't want to cause a scene I didn't make him put it back on, and then the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to my shirtless little man! What Pride!

It has become a daily battle with Jonah to keep his clothes on. The worst part about it, is he has started taking off his pants and peeing all over the place, just like a dog. I don't get it! He was just doing so well going potty in the toilet and now it has completely back fired on me! Just the other day, he took off his diaper and there was poop Hanging off his bum! (I know, so gross!)
I'm so tired of fighting with him to keep his diaper on, his pants and shirt on. So i came up with a brilliant solution.
I thought, maybe if I buy Jonah really cheesy Thomas pajamas he will want to keep his clothes on! At least around the house. It's been successful so far, but who knows if it will last. And if your solution is to just put a onesie on him, he can break out of anything now!
This kid needs a straight jacket.

Friday, October 9, 2009

sour milk

Oh no! I just realized I have four gallons of milk in my fridge, and they all expire in four days!!!
So I need some ideas of how to use that much milk before it expires.
So far my ideas are:
-eat cold cereal for every snack
-Make dozens of chocolate chip cookies this weekend. I can't eat cookies without milk.
- macaroni and cheese for lunch, every day.
- make home made ice cream
- drink lots of hot chocolate
- Make 3 dozen dinner rolls
Any ideas of how to drink four gallons of milk in four days?

I know some of you probably don't think it's a big deal to drink milk past the expiration date, but I do!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

following a pattern for dummies

As embarrassing as it is, I truly can't sew. I try and try so hard but it never looks quite right. That's why my hot glue gun is my best friend.
But I really wanted to at least try and make some baby shoes. So I bought a pattern, an easy well written pattern with pictures too! But of course for me, it wasn't easy at all. After five pairs of totally butchered shoes, two broken needles, and some major patience on my part, I finally was able to make two half way decent pairs of shoes. Can you tell I'm really proud of myself?Just don't look too closely.

As long as it took me to make a decent pair of baby shoes, it feels good to have accomplished what I set out to do! I am definitely learning to be more patient when it comes to sewing and following patterns. Maybe I'll even make some more!

That might be after she's born. I'm taking a break for now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Extravaganza!

This year Jonah was one lucky kid and got two separate birthday parties! I figure I'm making up for not doing much last year. He LoVED having a party and all his little friends over! I was going to have a car theme, but I ended up taking the cars out at the last minute because I knew Jonah wouldn't focus on anything else, and he might throw a fit over it. I had streamers that I decided not to use, but when I woke up this morning my sweet husband cleaned the whole house and decorated the whole kitchen with streamers! He even did Jonah's chair! It made me laugh because you can totally tell a guy did it. He tied really weird knots all over Jonah's chair.
All in all, It was a lot of fun! Jonah loved blowing out another candle and opening more presents.
We were all laughing so hard trying to take this picture. It is impossible to get 5 two year olds to look and smile at the camera. There were two more kids there who wouldn't even come over for the picture. Oh well. Happy Birthday Jonah! That's all till next year!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

hide and seek

If Jonah knows I'm coming to change him or give him medicine, giggling like crazy, this is how he reacts every time. Sometimes its with pillows on the couch, while other times it's me chasing him back and forth under the kitchen table. Oh Jonah, Please! As cute as it is, I'm way too pregnant to crawl after you for 15 minutes straight, five times a day!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's your birthday!!

Jonah's birthday is on Tuesday, but we decided to celebrate it last night while Zach's parents are in town. It was so much more fun this year because Jonah actually understood what was going on!! I think.
Last year, he was like a deer in headlights when we sang Happy Birthday to him, and this year he smiled while we sang to him, clapped and actually blew out his own candle!(and then took a bite out of it. oops)
The best part of the night was when he opened his presents. This was Jonah's reaction to every gift he tore open. He would scream, "OOOOOOOOH!!!!! WOOOAH!!!!"
I tried to get him to open all his gifts first, but he instisted on taking every present out of the box, and having Dad and Gramps put it together.
He loves this shopping cart, and has been pushing it around the house like he is on Supermarket Sweeps.
Of Course, he was the most excited about his new Thomas the Train set! Though I have to admit, that Geo Trax is much better quality than this. It's a pain to put back together.HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BIG TWO YEAR OLD!