Thursday, August 9, 2012

good morning

First off, These two. So sweet together and have become such good friends. Last night Jonah said to Zach, "Daddy, I will protect my little sister! I will scratch and hit any bad guy who tries to hurt her!" He has a plan, so don't you worry Emma!

       Early, early this morning we had breakfast at the park. The grass was soaking wet, Emma's hair was still wet from bath, I thought I could get some cute pics of Micah so I brought an shirt to throw over his "nice" shirt while he ate some strawberries. But of course those good pictures of him never happened. That boy is always on the go! Oh well. Still fun and happy I had my camera to snap the real moments. I love these three, they keep me on the go, keep me going all around. ;) never a dull moment around our house!  I've been potty training Emma this week. It has been quite a challenge! Everytime I think i'm going to give up she surprises me and I'm "forced" to keep going with it! But I'm proud of her and she is proud of herself! She lovers the big girl underwear Daddy surprised her with and she insists on getting herself dressed and refuses to wear the blue underwear that came in the pack, she says its "Jonah's underwear."

       So this week for me has been trying not to go anywhere or do too much until Emma gets the toilet down a little better :) 

Jonah started taking taekwondo this week, which he loves. He has also taken a big interest in writing and could sit at the table for an hour drawing pictures and asking me how to spell words to write. He's such a good boy. 

Micah has been challenging me lately, He's going through the "I need to be holding onto mommy every minute of the day" phase. I can't complain. It's hard and frustrating that I can't get anything done, but I love him and if he needs some special attention, that's alright with me. He also cut his two naps down to one early morning nap. That's hard too but he does go to sleep at 5:30 and sleeps till usually 6 am! We are all early risers. 

Jonah. Growing up so fast. He got these new sketchers while his cousins were here visiting and he wears them everywhere!!! He thinks they are the bomb. They light up, So of course they are cool!

And Miss Emma. See that squid or jelly fish in her hand? It's a pool toy my mom gave her a week ago and it's been in her hand ever since! She freaks out if she doesn't have it! She even sleeps with it. Who would of thought something like that would be such a hit!

Micah is a dairy free little boy and much happier now! Glad we figured that problem out. He is so funny and favorite thing to do is climb on his big brother and sister and race across the room. He also loves to be chased! 

And like I said, potty training is rough. Emma came down the slide and her leggings were soaked. So she strips down to her undees and we all walk home. Good thing it was 6 am and no one was around!

It's been a happy summer!