Monday, June 29, 2009

I knew I watched that for a reason

My mom forwarded me an email a while back on Fire Safety in the kitchen. It was pretty boring and just described the correct way to distinguish a pan fire. Then the e-mail showed this video:
WOah! That's scary!

Well, just a minute ago that exact same thing happened to us! Zach was in the kitchen frying a hot dog for Jonah and suddenly the whole burner was in flames! I screamed."Stop! Don't throw water!!!!!!" (just like a mad woman) and taught him the correct way. Genius I know.
 So now I am passing on the knowledge to all of you.. so you don't make the mistake.
 The effects can be devastating. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Guess what we're having!!

It's a.......
          GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the ultrasound I kept seeing something poking out, and my heart would sink a little and I'd think, " (sigh) another boy." 
We both kind of had a feeling it would be a girl, but Zach told me afterwards that he kept thinking,"Please be a boy. Please be a boy....oh darn. YAY!"

No, he really is excited. He's just not looking forward to her teenage years and he does not want her to be totally spoiled.
And me on the other hand...SO HAPPY! YAY! Who doesn't want a little girl!? I can FINALLY use pink and make my OWN baby girl cute flowers and Pink blankets!!!! Jonah is going to make such a good big brother.  He's really excited. I can tell.

I guess this means we can stop having kids now, since we'll have one of each right?


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

{Here comes the bride!}

Katie (my sis- in law) is getting married!So crazy to me.. I can't believe it! So she asked me to make her veil, which I was kind of freaked out about. I finally finished it.. and about two other ones, just to have some options. She came over yesterday to try them on and she looked so gOrgEoUs! I made her wear the dress so we could see the full ensemble. I think she actually might wear one of the other veils I made on the big day, but until then, check out my beautiful sister in-law. I'm so happy the veil turned out, even though I think Katie could make anything look good!

I can't wait for her big day in two weeks... so soon!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Petting Zoo

We took Jonah to the petting zoo last week. It was the first time he's been since he was 12 months old. What a difference! He was so much more into it this time. He actually fed the animals and was so excited to be there! 
He freaked out when Zach put him on the pony, which is odd since he loves riding his rocking horse at home, but after a minute he got the hang of it.
Jonah even started showing off some tricks! Here he is with No Hands!! 
All in all, really good experience. Jonah had a blast!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Wes..singing his one and ONLY song  "some say that l o v e.. don't come EaSy"

PLEASE! PLEASE! Jillian! What is wrong with you? Do you really truly believe that Wes is there for love? If you do, then I don't know how any of your relationships are going to last being that blind sighted. 
 OH that guy makes me cringe. He's an idiot for thinking that this kind of publicity will get him album sales. NO ONE  will buy your album after this!! I guess the truth is, even if Wes wasn't a country singer with a "secret agenda" , I still think he acts like a drunk all the time and super fake and annoying. What is up with his crazy hair too? It was like he was born with way too many calics on his head. Vomit. 
  Anyway.. I really hope that the perfect pilot comes back next week and succeeds at kicking Wes off. 

WHY am I EVEN watching this show!? 

p.s. that is why this show is such a joke. it's so unrealistic

but really entertaining

Sunday, June 21, 2009

{fathers day}

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! I'm definitely grateful for Jonah's daddy. Zachary takes such good care of our little boy, and loves him more than anything. 

One of the reasons I fell in love with Zachary is because I knew he would make such an amazing father. I was definitely right about that.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

random thoughts

         engaged, summer of 2006

I woke up this morning and realized that this is our last month living in Utah. Zach accepted a job in Idaho, which is a really great thing!, but as this chapter in our life comes to an end, it's a bittersweet feeling. 
    I will forever remember these years exactly how we are in this picture: really young, a little crazy, and starting a life together.
 Even though we both aren't in school anymore, by living in a college town it's hard not to feel like your a student. So it will be weird and nice to have a change in our environment. 
   I'm really excited to experience a new place, and make new friends. I will miss Utah though,especially everyone in it, and as much as I don't want to live here forever, it's not such a bad place. I just can't believe we are actually leaving.  

 Another thought: Look what Jonah did the other day!! 
That little punk. It's my glider's foot rest. I really hope I can get it out, or else I will have to reupholster  the whole thing. ugh. Note to self: Search the house daily for all pens, markers, and crayons. 
    He also colored all over the wall, and found a highlighter and drew all over himself. How is it that I can never find a pen in my house but Jonah seems to use them all?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

rate my space

Have you ever been on rate my space? I Love looking at how people decorate their homes, especially their nurseries. Kelley and I always send each other pics of adorable nurseries we find from there. There's just something about decorating a babies room that makes it so much more fun!
    So my sister showed me this one nursery below, which is to die for! (I'm definitely stealing this idea one day!) Look at the tree with the flowers popping out of it. SO ADORABLE

I started browsing more nurseries and some of these people go all out. Like I'm not even sure a baby should be left alone in these rooms. They are just so so nice.  
This one doesn't seem bad. I just think it's so cute.
But this one...
The table with the glass lamp and picture frames wont last very long. Amazing room though.  The funny thing about rate my space, is that no one will ever give a room five stars. Even these amazing rooms only get four stars. And a lot of people will leave comments ripping the room apart. It's like, Hello! Even if it's not your taste, this took a lot of work! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hello, old you!

Nice to see ya again! 
Well, just when I thought something was wrong with me because my tummy wasn't growing, BOOM! The belly is back, and the appetite! After spending the first three and a half months hovering over the toilet, I finally love food again!!!!!!!
    Okay maybe I don't love my clothes not fitting and feeling unbalanced all the time but I love, LOVE eating EVERYTHING
    I'm not one of those healthy pregnant women who go to the gym every day and make sure they only gain so much weight. I just really don't care. I think I will get just as fat whether I eat salads and chicken, or ice cream and burritos everyday!!! Bring on the fat face!!! 
    Lets just hope I can nurse it off again. 
So to all my fellow preggo friends, eat eat eat! Don't fret about loosing the weight! This is the one time in your life when you have an excuse to eat everything in sight and not feel guilty. You can deal with the weight after the baby. Enjoy your large fudge sundae!