Tuesday, August 17, 2010

9 months

- two bottom teeth
- cruises furniture and crawls 
- starting to walk! She takes two steps then keels over
- slept through the night one week straight now is waking up 2 to 3 times since getting a cold (my poor baby)
- waves bye bye and claps only for mommy, I swear she does!
- has grown very fond of her daddy, she only cuddles with him.
- eats ANYTHING she finds, really motivates me to keep our floor extra clean
-happy happy girl, but  really needs lots and lots of attention , hence the lack of blogging nothing wrong with some extra tlc
-she definitely has lots of love for our cat Conrad, she giggle every time she pets him and squeezes his fur
- It's really hard to shop with her, she hates sitting in a shopping cart and I don't enjoy shopping with one arm. I get so many comments when I shop with both kids, because its usually me holding Emma in one arm, pushing the cart in the other and taking stuff out of Jonah's hands. People always say " Wow, looks like you're having a busy day." as if I don't normally have two kids. And even though I'm sure they really just want to say "you're crazy" I always smile and act like every thing is under control. 
-Emma loves food soo much. Jonah was eating a pb&j at the table and she snuck up underneath and snatched a huge chunk of it right out of his hand!She really didn't want me to swipe out what was stuck on the top of her mouth.

She really is the sweetest little girl, makes the funniest faces, and is such a joy to have in our family. Happy 9 months Emma Pooh!

by the way, I couldn't resist the bare bottom picture, my blogs private right?? But really!
Look at the big booty on this girl! If it stays that way, how will I every find jeans to fit her bottom?!;)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


..were streaming down my face from laughter as I took the last picture available on my memory card. Why? because after I took this sweet picture ..                                                             and this one too...

I said, "Jonah can you smile really big!?"

..and he did just that.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

random pictures

No comments really, but i KNOW i should post something!! Jonah got into sprinkles while I was showering.

This is like the only picture I have of Emma as of late. I promise I will be better about posting!!!

        ..Last is one of the kids going crazy while I washed my couch covers. They thought it was awesome.
Emma is turning nine months so I will try and update at least for that soon. Chow.