Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

almost there

Well, after a long long break, I decided to start up Sugar & Spice again. I have the itch to stitch!
I'm sorry to those who have sent me e-mails or asked about headbands, I just haven't had the time or patience lately to do much. These are some my sister asked me to make for a gift and it has given me the motivation I needed to get back in the groove.

I will no longer be using my Sugar & Spice blog. I will open my Etsy shop soon. Hope you are as excited as I am! It's coming!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I know, I know..

I am such a slacker lately. I don't even have any pictures ready to post but I still feel like I should at least write an update. This will probably be really long.. so no one really has to read it, it's more just for my journal keeping.

Things are going well! For the most part Zach is happy with his new job, we love our new ward, and the neighborhood and town is great all around. Jonah has been a little more difficult lately. He is definitely turning into a little two year old, very stubborn, wants to do everything on his own! He freaks out every time we get in the car because he wants to drive. Don't really know how he ever got the idea that we would actually let him but he sure believes he can do it! He also has to be the one to open and close the garage door every time we go somewhere.
He is the pickiest eater lately, and the only way I can get him to eat anything really is to bribe him into his high chair with a "popsicle" aka frozen go-gurt and then once he is up I start putting more food on his tray, and he eventually eats some of it. Ugh. I know it's horrible, I am kind of experimenting with different methods right now. We just purchased a HUGE 12 foot gate that goes across the opening of our kitchen. It has seriously saved my life! Jonah was CONSTANTLY moving kitchen chairs around and climbing on everything, including pushing the ice maker on the refrigerator. My kitchen is now my kid-free zone, and I am loving it.
On the other hand, Jonah has also turned into a sweetheart. He is always laughing at himself, and loves to cuddle and be tickled. He loves using the toilet, not that we are potty training him but when he does use it, he goes every time. He walks around with a blanket over his face and runs into every thing. He thinks it's the funniest thing. He's starting to talk a little more every day, even though most of the words he can say, don't really sound like the real word. That's okay though, I will take what I can get. It's harder in some areas and easier in others with him. It's nice because if we go anywhere public, for the most part he doesn't just take off running without checking to make sure I am staying with him. All I have to do is ask him not to, or pretend like I am leaving and he instantly runs back next to me. I love it.
He gets super shy when I take him to the store and people try to say hi to him. It's so cute to watch him cover his face every time a cashier talks to him, and then as soon as we start walking away his friendliness comes back and he starts waving bye to every one.
Jonah loves playing outside, and that's basically what we end up doing a lot of the day, although I can't stay out in the sun nearly as long as he could. It's so hard taking him to play group or any one's house because he just wants to leave, and play outside.
I'm getting ready to have this baby.. I have less than nine weeks left (more or less) and I am definitely feeling pregnant. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with chasing around a little toddler all day long, but we are getting very excited to hold our little girl.
So in conclusion.. Life is great, I feel very blessed to have such a sweet little family, and as much as I complain about it, I really do love being a mom. It might be exhausting but ultimately it is so rewarding.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pop goes the wrist!

Well, Zach broke Jonah's wrist. yup..Way to go honey. No he didn't really, he just sprained it. That's not too bad.
Okay, so what really happened was we had just gotten to church, and as soon as we sat down Jonah jumped right up and ran out, as usual. Zach chased after him (Jonah started going outside) and about 3 minutes later, Zach started to walk Jonah back inside the chapel, and since Jonah really didn't want to go, he lifted both feet off the ground while Zach was holding onto his hand and his wrist went POP! We thought he had dislocated his shoulder or something, but we soon realized it was his wrist. So off we went to the instant care! So much for that crazy morning of trying to make it to church in time. The poor guy has been pretty bummed, but he still manages to do his regular activities with one arm.

He still pushes his cars all around the house..
He still eats his yogurt with one arm. I put a plastic bag around the splint incase he did attempt to use it.
..and he still pounds on the piano as usual.
He is still one happy kid.
As sad as it is, it's so entertaining to watch him do things. He will struggle for a few minutes while he tries to figure out how to pick up his sippy cup or eat from a bag of crackers. Hopefully it heals quickly.. and doesn't happen again..somehow I just know it will.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

{Desk Chair}

I love these desk chairs from Pottery Barn. Too bad the price tag is $400! Definitely out of my price range for a little desk in my kitchen.
Luckily, I found this chair I think for around thirty dollars! It's so similar to the pottery barn chair except it matches my kitchen chairs perfectly.
Add a little paint, sew a cushion and tada!..

Hey! Bring that chair back over here!
* Notice all the kitchen chairs laid down on the floor? That another story that involves a very smart and persistent toddler.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is for you Kelley....

and Katie, and any other girl (or my husband) who is Twilightified.
I know you're going to watch this 50 times.