Tuesday, June 29, 2010

emma and conrad

This post is dedicated to Vak and Kelley:
This is how Emma is as of late, These snap shots are exactly how she looks while she laughs and eats.

And our cat Conrad seriously has issues with Emma. He does not want to be apart from her! I often hear her crying in the crib only to find little Conrad trying to snuggle up next to her. . or most likely attacking her feet..

 For example: Jonah and Emma often hide behind the drapes and play together..

But as soon as Jonah leaves Emma alone....

Conrad makes his move!

 I don't think she saw that coming.poor girl.

It's just a good thing she can crawl away at super speeds.

 She really REALLY wants to walk, and I won't be surprised if she is in a couple more months.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

family pictures part 1

Happy Father's Day! I'm home sick, about to get in bed but I had to eat something or else I know I'll feel even worse. Just emailed Kaci these pictures I finished editing. We went and visited Kaci and Salesi on Friday and had a little Father's day dinner. We also took each other's family pictures. Ours were kind of a bust after Jonah burned his feet really bad. More on that later, but here are some good ones of Kaci and Salesi. They are just too cute. I can't wait to see that baby!!!!!

And one of Zach and I.

Even though my sister Cristin and I were texting each other this morning about how sometimes every day feels like fathers day.. ( I mean that in the nicest way) I truly am grateful for dad's. I often wonder what my life would be like if I was a single mom and Jonah and Emma had no father. I know how much support my dad gave to me growing up and Zachary is an amazing dad, who does and teaches or children so much. So Happy Father's Day to all the dads! We mom's need you!We couldn't stay home, watch kids, and do all the house work if it weren't for you getting up early every day and going to a long, hard Job. I know they do it for us. So today just relax, kick up your feet, and reflect on how awesome your role is.

p.s. Thank you to my brother in law Ben for getting me started with photoshop! I must be a loser because I could not figure it out at first!! Ben was very patient with me. Thanks BEN!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

another month!

She is getting to be     s o   m u c h     f u n!

I walked away and forgot to move the jar of food and when I came back I found her covered!
 She l o v e d finger painting with carrots.

As I was folding laundry Emma pulled herself up to get a better look.

As you can tell, I love having a daughter.

Kaci gave Emma this Tutu and even though it's still too big, I couldn't help myself but put it on!!on her of course. But I secretly wished it fit me too!!! I'm so weird.

..Then she kept pulling her headband off!!! No!! Does this mean she's not oblivious to whats going on up there anymore??     

Emma is getting such a little personality! 
She has this endearing smile where she kind of moves her eye brows up and down. It makes me wonder what it will look like when she's sixteen!
Emma is crawling like a pro. She will crawl after me and chase a ball around the floor. 
She does not like it when when Zach or I walk away from her. She's probably worried Jonah will take control  of her. 
She is a terrible sleeper!! Last night she was up every hour~ Her pediatrician refereed me to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. She thinks Emma has the same things going on as Jonah. Great. 

But, aside from all that She is a happy girl. She l o v e s baby food, nursing, and when I give her tastes of water with my straw. 
She tries to clap and wave. Yesterday I was attempting to teach her to say Mama and she actually started to watch my lips and copy what they were doing! 

She wants to walk so badly!!! I'm guessing she will be walking at ten months. Sometimes when we set her down she stiffs her legs so she can't sit. 

Happy 7 months baby girl! We love you!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

just for laughs

Right now Jonah is going poo-poo on the toilet. Emma crawled in the bathroom and I can hear Jonah saying:

"Hi Emma! I'm going Poo-poo!"
"Wook Emma! Ja-Ja is pooping on towet!"
"Here I doe!" "GRRRAHHH!" (pushing and grunting)
"Ah! It's stuck Emma!"

 Now Emma is in here with me and while I type this Jonah is yelling,
"Mommy!!!! Suh prise!!!! Mommy!!!! A Curious George Fruit Snack pease? pease? pease?!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Gotta Love that potty talk.

Monday, June 14, 2010

{look who's talking}

Six months ago we took Jonah to a hearing specialist to have his ears checked. His pediatrician was concerned about his lack of vocabulary at two years old. According to the "development chart " At two years old, kids should be have a vocabulary of around 200 words minimum, and should at least be putting three words together in a sentence. Jonah's vocabulary consisted around 10 words and well, obviously he couldn't exactly make a sentence. 
       The hearing test came back normal, and a week later (and $200 worth of medical bills) a light must have come on because Jonah really started talking.. and hasn't stopped since!
To some, Jonah probably doesn't sound like a very clear speaker. Some may even think he doesn't hardly make sense. He definitely has a hard time sounding out words correctly.. must take after his mommy.
 (I was in speech therapy till the 5th grade! Yikes! 
Don't even get me started on my memoirs of that!)
But for Zachary, his grandparents and myself, we are thrilled at how far he's come!

Jonah still hasn't grasped certain sounds like the "k" . 
And it makes for some pretty cute sentences. 
He says things like "Look mommy! a red dar! It's so fast!"   (car)
"Shoo! Shoo! Ditty Dat! You are in big trouble!"      (kitty cat)
"Mommy? A choc choc dee-dee please, please, please???"   (cookie)

He also struggles with the "T" sound and calls Thomas the Train "Bhomas the Train"

Yesterday, after a lot of practice he finally said "Jon..nah!" rather than his usual "Ja- Ja!" 
It's the funniest thing when people hear him saying , "No! Ja- Ja do it!" or "Ja- Ja 's Milk.... Ja -Ja's toy!... No! Ja -Ja sing the song!!" Every one always asks me, "What is he saying? What's Ja- ja???" 
"Oh, that's just what he calls himself." 

We are really careful about the words we use in front of him now. I have a bad habit of saying "crap".
Lucky for me, in Jonah's language it translates to "brap" But I hear him say it to himself all the time when he drops something etc. and I know it's going to look Really BAD once he says it correctly!! oops.

Jonah also loves to mimic me and it's sometimes very hard to discipline a boy who thinks it's fun to "discipline himself". Up until this last week he was taking his diaper off and pooping in a closet almost every day!!! Boy was that exhausting!! He always came out with poop in his hands saying "Bad jaja! Don't do dat adain!!!" and then it would just kill me when he would say "oh dosh." under his breath just like I say "Oh gosh."

Every building is a "house"
Jack in Box is the "Lunch House"
the hospital is "Doctor's House"
Grocery store is "Food House"
Church is "Nursery House"

Emma is a "Bad Boy"
He always says "Mommy? (or) Daddy? Hold you?" when he wan't us to hold him.
If I say. "Do you want to do it? " He responds ," No! Mommy! Ja-ja do it!!"
I am crossing my fingers that his terrible twos has hit it's peak and that he will slowly not be such a know it all.
If I read him a book. He has to read it. If I sing him a song. He sings it. Not mommy.
Every toy is Ja Ja's toy. Not Emma's.

He's not all boss though. Jonah is always giving hugs and kisses and the sweetest thing is when I tell him to do something he responds in "O-day mommy."  without fail.
When we say "I love you Jonah. " He says    "You too mommy. "
And even though sometimes he won't stop running around screaming the Thomas song at the top of his lungs. I wouldn't have it any other way.
We love you,  Ja-Ja.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Surprise Party

Tuesday was my Mom's birthday so Kaci and I had the brilliant idea of throwing her a little surpise party. Very little. Just me, Kaci, Salesi, and my dad. (Zach had to work). We had my dad in on the secret. He was supposed to take my mom out to a birthday dinner and then have an excuse to stop at my house. 

Well.. somewhere through communicating, my dad missed the part about us making our mom dinner..and that he was supposed to tell her he was taking her OUT to dinner. Luckily I called my mom right as she sat down to eat a dinner she just cooked up. I told her to drop everything and come over because Jonah had a special birthday surprise he had been working on all day. She reluctantly did as I told her too, got my dad out of the shower (YES THE SHOWER! of course he happened to be in the shower while my mom started eating dinner!)  
           We will probably never throw my mom a surprise party again. But in the end it still turned out, and I think she enjoyed the food Kaci whipped up. 


..One of Kaci's growing belly!

Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Adam!

We celebrated Zach's big brother Adam's birthday Saturday. Adam was nice enough to share his big moment with Jonah.

Everyone went swimming after cake and ice cream . It was over 100 outside so the pool was nice and warm. Almost too warm. 

                                                              Ben had a little too much sun.

Happy Birthday Adam! Thanks for having us over for your special day!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We're having a great weekend with these two kiddos..
hope you are too. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

picked on

I know what it's like to be the youngest. Always picked on, accused of being spoiled, never involved in all the fun games. 

 She sits like this every night after dinner, just watching Jonah. I know what she's thinking too. "Maybe this time he won't shove me away." " Maybe just maybe, if I give him a big smile, he'll let me me suck on his trains."

So she goes for it. 

But once again, that million dollar smile doesn't melt his little heart. Instead, he places all toys out of arms reach. Emma's arms that is.

Nice Jonah. 
I wonder what he'll do when she can pull herself up?